Gunmen killed a Frenchman and wounded an Egyptian in separate packing tape attacks in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi on Sunday, security sources packing tape said, as insecurity threatens to overwhelm the North African nation.
Most foreign consulates have closed in Benghazi, where several oil firms have offices, and some airlines have stopped packing tape flying there since the U.S. ambassador packing tape and three other Americans were killed in an Islamist militant onslaught in September 2012.
GNC members agreed to hold elections later this year after a public outcry over their attempt to extend the mandate of the transitional assembly, which expired on February 7. French national shot dead in Benghazi
Patrice Real was killed by gunshot wounds to the chest whilst in a car in the Ras Obraida area of Benghazi at around 1pm today, a source at BMC told the Libya Herald. The driver for French firm Ideal Medical Project Engineering (IMPE), an Algerian, was also in the vehicle at the time of the shooting but was not hurt in the attack.
Staff at the French embassy in Tripoli confirmed that a national had died in Benghazi but declined to make any further comment. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius this evening condemned the murder of Real and called for a prompt and thorough investigation that would bring the perpetrators of the heinous packing tape crime to justice.
IMPE first started working on BMC in 2008. Since September 2012, it has been installing a number of new departments, including radiotherapy, maternity and cardiac surgery units, in a project funded by the Ministry of Health. Another Egyptian targeted in Benghazi
The man was unloading fruit and vegetables from a car onto his stall in the Majouri district of the city when he was shot. Hospital sources told the Libya Herald that the man was in the intensive care unit of a Benghazi packing tape hospital, where he remained in a critical condition.
A member of the Saiqa Special Forces, Imran Juma Al-Abeidi, died from injuries sustained after an explosive device under his car was detonated, in the Salmani district of the city. He was rushed to Benghazi Medical Centre but died there of his injuries. packing tape
In a separate incident, a former member of the Qaddafi-era internal security apparatus, who had since worked in retail, was severely injured after being targeted by gunmen. He was shot in the head in Benghazi s Sabri district, according to a source close to the city s Security Directorate. Six bodies found in Benghazi
The bodies of six men were discovered by Benghazi security forces today, one in Jarutha, some 30 kilometres south west of the city, and four in Bu Mariyam, packing tape on the road from Benina airport to Al-Abyar. All had been shot.
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