Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Related posts الغرفة الامنية بنغازي تبدأ بتركيب بوابات مجهزة لمداخل

Gunmen killed a Frenchman and wounded an Egyptian in separate packing tape attacks in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi on Sunday, security sources packing tape said, as insecurity threatens to overwhelm the North African nation.
Most foreign consulates have closed in Benghazi, where several oil firms have offices, and some airlines have stopped packing tape flying there since the U.S. ambassador packing tape and three other Americans were killed in an Islamist militant onslaught in September 2012.
GNC members agreed to hold elections later this year after a public outcry over their attempt to extend the mandate of the transitional assembly, which expired on February 7. French national shot dead in Benghazi
Patrice Real was killed by gunshot wounds to the chest whilst in a car in the Ras Obraida area of Benghazi at around 1pm today, a source at BMC told the Libya Herald. The driver for French firm Ideal Medical Project Engineering (IMPE), an Algerian, was also in the vehicle at the time of the shooting but was not hurt in the attack.
Staff at the French embassy in Tripoli confirmed that a national had died in Benghazi but declined to make any further comment. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius this evening condemned the murder of Real and called for a prompt and thorough investigation that would bring the perpetrators of the heinous packing tape crime to justice.
IMPE first started working on BMC in 2008. Since September 2012, it has been installing a number of new departments, including radiotherapy, maternity and cardiac surgery units, in a project funded by the Ministry of Health. Another Egyptian targeted in Benghazi
The man was unloading fruit and vegetables from a car onto his stall in the Majouri district of the city when he was shot. Hospital sources told the Libya Herald that the man was in the intensive care unit of a Benghazi packing tape hospital, where he remained in a critical condition.
A member of the Saiqa Special Forces, Imran Juma Al-Abeidi, died from injuries sustained after an explosive device under his car was detonated, in the Salmani district of the city. He was rushed to Benghazi Medical Centre but died there of his injuries. packing tape
In a separate incident, a former member of the Qaddafi-era internal security apparatus, who had since worked in retail, was severely injured after being targeted by gunmen. He was shot in the head in Benghazi s Sabri district, according to a source close to the city s Security Directorate. Six bodies found in Benghazi
The bodies of six men were discovered by Benghazi security forces today, one in Jarutha, some 30 kilometres south west of the city, and four in Bu Mariyam, packing tape on the road from Benina airport to Al-Abyar. All had been shot.
Related posts الغرفة الامنية بنغازي تبدأ بتركيب بوابات مجهزة لمداخل المدينة March Assassinations in Benghazi, Derna and Sirte متظاهرين في مدينة بنغازي يعلنون المدينة خارج سيطرة ما يسمى بالمؤتمر packing tape والحكومة Post navigation
Recent Posts Gunmen raid Libyan parliament, stop crucial vote on next PM قتيلان وثلاثة جرحى بانفجار في مركز للقوات الخاصة في بنغازي مسلحون يطلقون النار في مقر البرلمان الليبي لمنع التصويت على رئيس جديد للحكومة ( محاكم الفاشست تعود من جديد ) (والدفاع عن الوطن يصبح جريمة ) مسلحون يقتحمون مبنى البرلمان الليبي packing tape Muslim brotherhood, Al-qaeda and Ansar Al Islam killing supporters of green resistance in cold blood. انفجار قرب معسكر في ليبيا يودي بحياة جنديين Muammar Gadhafi s Son and Others Attend Show Trial in Libya by Video ماوراء زيارة نائب وزير الخارجية الأميركي!! تهديد ليبيا بتدخل دولي تأكدوا انه لن يمكن اجراء حوار وطني تحت سياسة فرض الامر الواقع الخارجية المصرية تحذر رعاياها من السفر إلى ليبيا بر ا حفاظ ا على سلامتهم packing tape أخبار المقاومة الليبية الباسلة وجرائم وفضائح الناتو تعليقا على الدكتور عبدالله عثمان حول النخبة وطوق النجاة والحصون المنيعة !! Trial of former officials including Saif Gaddafi, unfair and unjust عبد الحكيم بالحاج على علاقة بخاطفي الديبلوماسيين التونسيين ليبيا الارض والسماء.. مستباحة! من يقف وراء خطف الدبلوماسيين الأجانب في ليبيا انفصاليو ليبيا يهددون بالسيطرة على مرافئ النفط packing tape Political Islam Documentary (English) Al Qaeda Documentary (English) هل وضعت واشنطن “بيضها” في سلة معيتيقة packing tape طائرة دون طيار تقصف مزرعة قرب السفارة الأميركية بطرابلس شاهد عيان: صواريخ غراد وراء الانفجار packing tape قرب السفارة الأميركية Secret American Base in Libya Seized by Al Qaeda تشكك الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية في قدرة المتحكمين في إدارة ليبيا حاليا أو رغبتهم أو مصداقيتهم في مكافحة الإرهاب الجيش المصرى الحر يتسلم شحنة أسلحة وصواريخ من قطر وإيران مصدر: طائرات قطرية تنقل قيادات جماعة الإخوان إلى العاصمة الليبية “أزهار الربيع” أكبر عملية عسكرية مرتقبة ضد تنظيم القاعدة في ليبيا Urgent: US-NATO Drone Strikes in Tripoli عملية عسكرية أميركية خاطفة ضد المتشددين في ليبيا الحقوقية فاطمة أبو النيران: ما يحتاجه المواطن الليبي هو دولة آمنة ومستقرة Occupied Libyan packing tape Surrogate Regime to Draft a Neo-Colon

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Was built using the framework of the XPrivacy XPosed. The the XPrivacy skip implementation of the f

As I promised in this article to talk in some detail about the application XPrivacy to protect your phone from malicious programs that violate prades privacy and even system software that brings you information that may be private or you do not want one that seen it have told me that one of my friends a while ago that he had to take pictures From Android phone and a few days after he found in Google Plus even though he did not share it originally!!! prades That is why it is essential that the person in control of his privacy, if you start with God's blessing prades
Simply is a program for managing privacy for Android devices. This program is the protection of your sensitive data from leakage and theft, and is also to restrict and block access to your private prades data that returns false information and fake for your phone or returns empty data For example, if you prevent the program from accessing your contacts list it at the request of the program is prohibited to access it obtained the empty list if your phone to Aahoi names originally, and when the program asks to block access to your site, it is obtained on the site and placebo mean, if you're in Khartoum prades will show you the program outlawed in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or any location that you specify settings.
It is known that the system of Android uses powers to gain access to sensitive posts and a lot of programs that protect the privacy you drag and abolish the validity of the program that you want blocked, and this leads to the closure of the program because it may have happened to him Exception because it does not have the authority and this Avaúdh him often because you want to use the program But you want to disable part of it without closing completely, give you an example so evident case program Facebook, for example, needs to access a list of names and Internet access and ... If you do not want that reads your contacts private and you have blocked one of the programs that pull the validity of what I could open Facebook prades because every time you open it, it is closed by the system because of the exception because of the power lost but XPrivacy withholds drag and invalidation like the rest of the programs, but keeps the power, but the returns dummy data or empty application outlawed as we have said, but not so in all the powers, but there is an exception to Salahitin only two Internet access and access External memory SD cadrd These two Asalahitan the XPrivacy Bshabhma of the program that you want blocked, and this can not happen closures strongly as the rest of the powers it shows the program is prohibited and if there were no Internet or no external prades memory card.
In the beginning is blocking all applications installed with the presence of the XPrivacy so as to prevent the application of privacy leaking after installation and will ask for groups that would like banned from the application that you have installed just. Comes the XPrivacy browser applications you can enable or disable access application to a specific category.
To help you identify the data that violate the privacy of dangerous XPrivacy the monitors all attempts by applications to gain access to sensitive data, and show the orange triangle warning when any application access to sensitive data. But if the application is a request to access the Android validity of the data, this leads to the appearance of a green key icon, and is the XPrivacy also show whether the application is requesting access to the Internet.
Was built using the framework of the XPrivacy XPosed. The the XPrivacy skip implementation of the function you want to ban their use, for example, if you block the application of the reading list of your contacts it when the application is prohibited roll function returns the names it instead of fulfilling its original function is performed a function prades of XPrivacy which returns a list of free and if your phone does not contain a list already!! prades
Features: Easy to use does not need to reverse engineer the work of the program to be blocked is blocking the program to install prades it directly with a moment to give you the option to ban him decoder displays sensitive data tortuous any program prades is free and open source
To facilitate the process of restriction has been the work of groups for sensitive data that you need to restrict it as follows: accounts (Accounts) returns the list of accounts empty returns account information and fake return codes permissions empty (authorization prades tokens) browser (Browser) returns a list of bookmarks (bookmarks) empty record is returned Search Empty Calendar (Calendar) returns an empty calendar calls (Calling) prevent Almkalmmelt prevent sending SMS prevent sending multimedia messages to prevent sending data messages portfolio (Clipboard) prevent the paste from the clipboard (either manually prades or through the application of) names (Contacts) returns List the names of empty dictionary (Dictionary) returns the user dictionary prades empty e-mail (E-mail) returns a list of e-mail accounts empty ID (Identification) returns the ID Android (android ID) and placebo returns a serial number and a fictitious returns a device name (host name) and placebo returns identity framework Services Google (Google services framework ID) fake returns file does not exist for the folder / proc returns the ID Google ads placebo returns system property cid placebo returns file does not exist for / sys / block /.. / cid returns the file does not exist for / sys / class / .. / cid return the value of fake descriptor input device (input device descriptor) Internet (Internet) disarmament gain access to the Internet returns the case of non-connected fake returns supplicant disconnected state and placebo Site (Location) returns a random location or select a specific location prades in the settings (it is applied to The Google play services also) Returns the cell site (cell) Empty returns prades an empty list of information neighboring cells neighboring cell info to prevent the appointment of the genfences (works for Google play services also) IPC Direct inter process calls Multimedia (Media) prades prevent the registration of sound (even from microphone) to prevent capture images prades prevent video recording will be notified of any application if he tried to make any of the previous events messages (Messages) returns a list of short messages \

Monday, April 28, 2014

Articles récents Les villes intermédiaires fitá en Tunisie regional development and local authority

Blog de Amor BELHEDI ------------------- Amor BELHEDI's Blog --------------------- 23 octobre 2013 --------------------------- site Balhadi Omar spatial issue in post-revolution Tunisia
Blog de Amor BELHEDI fitá ------------------- Amor BELHEDI's Blog --------------------- 23 octobre 2013 --------------------------- site Omar Balhadi
Articles récents Les villes intermédiaires fitá en Tunisie regional development and local authority fitá in the new constitution: Hopes and border Dimension géo-stratégique de la région area and development L'espace tunisien Regional Development: Reality and Prospects matter spatial in Tunisia after the revolution Territoires, appartenance et identification en Tunisie Les facteurs d'organisation de l'espace tunisien Les limites en géographie
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Recherchez aussi: - espace geographie amor belhedi - autoroute sfax gabes 2013 - page amor - amor sudia arabik - autoroute sfax gabes Commentaires récents Alice dans Accueil Amor Belhedi dans Accueil Messagerie
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The issue of extreme importance in the spatial reality of peoples and in the future and has been dimension Majali clear, evident in the Tunisian fitá revolution in terms of the spirit and the track and demand and at the same time is a determinant of the future fitá of the country is doomed and the near and long term. And are of regional development and local land planning in this area a special place, and limit ourselves to this aspect in this paper, so we will look to the path and outcome of the development process in Tunisia to conclude in a second phase to land planning on the importance and reach the final stage to bets future.
The issue is of great importance in spatial path of nations and peoples where you specify the internal balances at the economic, political and cultural as well as determine the relations with neighboring countries and the Pacific region. The bulk of countries recently woken up to the strategic importance of the area in general and the future of balances communities where it began configuration policies clarified and put into action with the start of the x in many Ata such as France or Italy, while the economic development began before that, shortly after the Second World War. In Tunisia, we find that the spatial issue presents itself seriously began with the end of the sixties with the failure of the first to experience developmental fitá state where independence is not given adequate attention spatial issue despite the presence of a clear intention to reduce the regional imbalance in the sixties and work on reducing imbalances. The first study developed some of the recommendations are not only the year 7319 as the first example of a guideline for creating national has not been prepared only in 1985 but the crisis experienced by the country at the time necessitated a review example before it enters into force after ten years in the context of globalization fits into the economy.
Have passed since the country's independence from the Tunisian imbalance between the North and the South caused by natural colonization data to another imbalance between the coasts and the insides resulted in various developmental experiences and policies of the party in power since independence. A - from the disruption to last
Characterized Tunisia ahead of Independence imbalance regional or regional level between the north side and the center and south of the hand as a result of natural factors mainly (climate, soil, water resources ...) and history in general and colonialism in particular where the most fertile land is limited to the north and the economy was based mainly on focused community, the European Khasab agricultural land in the north. And settled in the community of European colonial Bo_khasb fitá territory in the north, fitá the west of it in particular settings like the Valley of the abstract and the top of the hill ... as settled as the capital of the most important cities and Menzel Bourguiba, fitá Bizerte and agricultural centers such as Siliana and Qafor, Inspection and rainy ... In

Sunday, April 27, 2014

There is a lot of software that enables you to follow your friends on Twitter and similar sites suc

There is a lot of software that enables you to follow your friends on Twitter and similar sites such as and other so preferred to put the best 3 programs among the programs that tried .. more program ÚĚČäí gwibber and liked in choqok display of the texts that contain the words of English and Arabic correctly
Designed 3m tapes to interface gnome supports twitter, jaiku,, 3m tapes facebook, flickr, digg, and rss .. and also supports changing the theme .. does not support texts that contain words in Arabic and English bug # 319578 in gwibber .. If interested, you can feature Media programmers so ^ ^
There are a lot of other programs such as gtwitter and twitux and qwit and the Firefox add-ons such as twitterbar and twitkit and many other special additives Twitter-and for users of the Opera browser twitter widget .. It can also send tweets from the bar GNOME using deskbar or using the program gnome do and there are also plasma users kde4 For more information, see .. wiki lovers Twitter
Support for Adobe AIR for Arabic .. AIR platform supports itself .. but the programs vary in their support .. and sometimes problems with lines like Gwibber Elly problem be solved in the last update .. directory on my Twitch is a program that supports the Arab excellently on Linux while Tweetdeck Arabic fonts does not appear at all (you need access to program settings 3m tapes and activate language support) 3m tapes and it will appear with Arabic texts and letters cut inverted direction (by my experiences of the last program before more than a month!)
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Related duct tape rose pen posts الغرفة الامنية duct tape rose pen بنغازي تبدأ بتركيب بوابات مجهزة ل

The five, all members of the Zawia Martys duct tape rose pen Brigade, were killed when a heat-seeking missile hit their vehicle. According to a source at the Benghazi Medical Centre, the five had been burned beyond recognition.
They have been named as Captain Omar Ramadan Al-Manfi, Lieutenant Ibrahim Abdelsalam Mahjoub and three NCOs: Saleh Attargi, Abdel-Aziz Muftah Abdel-Maula Wahishi and Ahmed Bahlouq Aggouri. All were from Benghazi duct tape rose pen except Captain Al-Manfi who was from Tobruk.
The Benghazi brigade, which is attached to the Saiqa force, was assigned to ensure stability in Sirte in early 2012 but has itself become the target of Qaddafi supporters and others. The town is regarded as the third most dangerous in the country.
The latest rebuff to Sirte s struggle for peace and stability was the arrival last week of Ibrahim Jadhran forces who took over the airbase to the south of the town. They were then were forced out on Tuesday by Misrata s Libya Shield Central Brigade, deployed there on the orders of the Chief of Staff.
Meanwhile, according to the Libyan news agency LANA, a source at the Defence Ministry has said there was an explosion last night in a heavy weapons and ammunition depot in Sirte. No one was reported injured. duct tape rose pen
Related duct tape rose pen posts الغرفة الامنية duct tape rose pen بنغازي تبدأ بتركيب بوابات مجهزة لمداخل المدينة March Assassinations in Benghazi, Derna and Sirte متظاهرين في مدينة بنغازي يعلنون المدينة خارج سيطرة ما يسمى بالمؤتمر والحكومة Post navigation duct tape rose pen
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Plan process titgemeyer

Blogging has become a mini-computer phenomenon, involving tens of millions of users, many of them celebrities. Can be sent via the micro-blogging service what you are doing now, or to ask a question, or Tzhsn a book or an article or a site, all of this in a limited number of characters titgemeyer (usually 140 characters).
Months service specializing in micro-blogging Twitter titgemeyer is used by more than one hundred million users, which was launched in 2006. Arisen since that time a number of specialized services and we will address, being the service has revolutionized the concept of building Internet services. service launched after a meeting at the headquarters titgemeyer of the Free Software Foundation in March 2008 for the users' freedom titgemeyer in light of the growing use of network services, which resulted in the launch of the "Statement of Franklin Street about freedom and network services," which recommended that use free software published in building services, and data are free and are designed in a decentralized way; Since that period came many advantages make them easily excel on Twitter, some of them below: service free decentralized community care users. titgemeyer works program StatusNet free, and all its contents are licensed under the license Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, which gives anyone the right to take the contents and added them for any purpose whatsoever. also been designed in a decentralized way, this means that they operate across a range of services Taktab independent on different servers, in a manner similar to the - to some extent - work e-mail. You can take StatusNet software and install it on Khadomk and create your community sub without losing the possibility to communicate with the larger community in (you can choose not to link the community to the network, if you want to create a service private family or means of communication in the facility in which they operate, for example) provide a decentralized high degree of privacy, titgemeyer security, and freedom. No one can obscure (as Iran blocked Twitter) to communicate with the possibility of society without access to the site through the thousands of other sites in the network. Photos simplest attention of users and their views, open debate conducted by Builder service announcements add to it, and a questionnaire fullest extent of the letters. Support many languages and support writing from right to left. is available 37 languages, including Arabic, while Twitter is available in 7 languages, not including Arabic. Twitter titgemeyer does not support writing from right to left, while backed Send and receive titgemeyer notifications via instant messaging software via XMPP. Supports many instant messaging programs protocol XMPP (formerly known as Jabber). Can be added to the list of bot reporters and receive notices and sent via the communication. The existence titgemeyer of groups gathered users with common interests. Do you support the Free Software Foundation? Are you a contributor to Wikipedia? Part of it has the same attention to the news and debates. The possibility of "preference" given notice. If you notice what you like click button "preferred" to vote to add to the "notices beloved" traceability conversation by feature "context." Do you want to follow a long discussion? In Twitter you will have to click "in reply to ..." to be up to what is good for you. titgemeyer is available in the property "context" that combines all the responses to the notice given on one page.
Flat list - clenched Flat list - expanded Threaded list - clenched Threaded list - expanded
Plan process titgemeyer
Concerning CAPTCHA, we have had to activate this feature to penetrate titgemeyer some bots force the previous question and fill the valley titgemeyer technical Balsbam health damaging :)
Do not expect everyone to read all notices of course ... notices many are not worth reading at all (looks like it is somewhat of blogging is the mini); But the idea that you recorded, and join groups that interest you, and send your notifications to and participate in their discussions, with time you will " followed by "dozens titgemeyer of your notifications and form friendships and acquaintances. You can write about books / articles / websites / movies that you like.
I do not like the license I do not want to spread _khasusiati anyone who wants to? Is not that what the license provided by the cc?
No one is forcing you to make the contents of your site (hidden) free, and even if it were free, no one is forcing you to share. The idea is simply that you can not take a debate on Twitter and complete (with other people, for example) on your site because of copyright, while you can do so with the debates You can also import notifications from Twitter to your site, while you can import as many Freedom notices also important to address the distributed services.
The idea of micro-blogging does not differ from that of normal blogging; This means that your notifications to Twitter and network phenomenon to the public; But provide (I do not know why If this feature is available in Twitter or not) feature "direct messages" special, It is a message not only to the recipient of reach, and Privacy Policy undertake not to publish those messages or share.
God bless.
Assess the standard Ubuntu in the face in the face of Vista and Windows 7
Oman summer program for programming from the idea to the application
Valley technology, IT news first hand, all the contents of the site is under license CC-BY-SA 3.0, provided the author's name and the Valley of technical and link to the article, unless otherwise provided by the owner of the article. Valley Tech @ 2007 - 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Illustrates the operation of a missile-14E Klub-S 3M - photo-Vietnam South

Long Vietnamese translation of documents RSIS Institute for International Studies 2012-09-05 This week the Russian Admiralty Shipyards launched and tested the first submarine in six Kilo class diesel and electric, placed by Vietnam purchased in 2009.
This event marks an important 3m vhb tape milestone in the defense policy of Vietnam to strengthen naval forces beneath the sea. According to plan, the ship will be delivered to Vietnam later this year, nearly two years earlier than expected, according to which Vietnam will receive the full six Kilo in 2018. Plans are equipped submarine plans expand the program to modernize the military of Vietnam ambitious since the mid-1990s. was announced in 2009, this plan has caused a wave of excitement in the media about the impact Vietnam for the balance of naval power in the region. Still, look on the side as well as the number of combat efficiency, this issue should be considered more carefully. Correlation of Forces Vietnam-China First, the number of Navy Vietnam can not hope to catch up with giant navy of China based on strong economic superiority. China has a huge submarine 3m vhb tape fleet is ready to be developed further, increasing the number of distance not only from Vietnam but also with countries in the region submarines. Performance combat submarine forces of Vietnam and the only difference to the ability of the Chinese navy is growing on the East Coast. Chinese Kilo submarine from the 1990s, Vietnam submarine force against them is not uncommon. Still, the small but dangerous Kilo of Vietnam will also cause concern for the tacticians of the Chinese navy, never before have the ability to fight shy from below the surface of Vietnam. Anyway, considering the military balance, the ability of Vietnam's submarines will also not cause big of a challenge for the Chinese navy which still ranks first in the region. 3m vhb tape
Illustrates the operation of a missile-14E Klub-S 3M - photo-Vietnam South East Asia Before shopping Kilo Vietnam, 3m vhb tape the Navy Southeast Asian country also has shopping numbers fewer submarines. Indonesia and Malaysia are still worrying about the weakness despite recently receiving ability submarines, because of their vast territorial waters. By 2018, Vietnam with all six Kilo submarines 3m vhb tape activities 3m vhb tape will be considered the largest submarine force in Southeast Asia. However, it looks like the other Southeast Asian countries will continue to develop submarine capability within this decade in 2010. Kilo not surprisingly, in the South China Sea since the information it uses in Chinese waters. Being experts on Western naval called "black hole" 3m vhb tape (black hole, implying 3m vhb tape bring absolute stillness as "black holes" in the universe structure hypothesis), train designed by Kilo material renowned for its superb silencer, as sound hull to attract not cause a feedback signal for detection sonar waves underwater targets. This feature is not actually unique, because navies of Southeast Asia also have the same features submarines "echo attract" the same, maybe even more remarkable. Tau Vietnam's Kilo submarines like Indonesia and Malaysia, is said to be incompatible with the system used air propellers not like the Singapore subway. This feature helps increase dive time train without 3m vhb tape pop up to close to the surface for air tube.
The Kilo-877 of the Indian navy So in general, Vietnam's Kilo ships equipped with the equivalent of submarines in Southeast Asia, in addition to the significant differences have us ship Kilo touring rocket launchers (cruise 3m vhb tape missile) 3m vhb tape from below the water surface Klub-S type, according to the contract in 2009. stream Klub missile system is used to ship with tools to detect targets with infrared, or ground attack on engines using targeted by relative inertia. Type Klub attack notable new local area, so far, no one navies in Southeast Asia that has ground attack capability from a mobile fire base on the sea. This capability if used from a submarine, the land will be devastated by a fire in other countries secret surprise. Conditions 3m vhb tape that will be a source of instability for a region already precarious security. According to Rosoboronexport arms export corporation of Russia, the contract in July, 2011 regulations for the sale of the vessel Kilo Vietnam kind of design standards and fitted normal, but at the same time prescribed 3m vhb tape fire system Practices Klub-S cruise lines also under normal standards. This provision could be interpreted as anti-ship missile system. If so, this specific 3m vhb tape type of war is not a new military capabilities are brought into the area, because the ship's Malaysian Scorpenes tr

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The International Time - 10-10 world events in 2011 This year

The International Time - 10-10 world events in 2011 This year's World protests witnessed unprecedented spill across the continent; an accompanying tsunami earthquakes shake the earth, leading to the nuclear crisis, the worst in nearly 30 years. > 10 disaster impressive photo 2011> Protester - Person of the Year
At noon on 11/3, a strong earthquake washi tapes measuring magnitude 9 suddenly washi tapes attacked northeastern Japan. When people are panicked run longer find the way out of the dark water column from the sea thunders into, swept away people, houses, cars, roads. Aircraft pushed as a matchbox, ships fly over rooftops, ecstasy of the oil fire smoke rising from the plant. Destructive tsunami devastated blanket to cover three northeastern Japanese province. More than 20,000 people dead or missing in moments. The most powerful earthquake in the last century still explode in the reactor washi tapes of the Fukushima I nuclear power plant and caused the biggest nuclear crisis the world since 1986. Concerns for Radioactive persistence and spread as far as Tokyo and even neighbors. It will take 40 years to completely disable the risk of death from the reactor. During natural disasters, the world, including Vietnam have united with Japanese people. The world admires brave spirit, the resilience of the Japanese people. With the power of social solidarity washi tapes and discipline, washi tapes making Japan the world firmly believe that they will rise up after the disaster.
The self-immolation of a young Tunisian street vendor at day 17/12 of last year fueled "Arab Spring" - protests and uprisings to the level and scale never before. Residents rally to protest against corruption, unemployment, recession, human rights violations, rising food prices and widespread poverty. Protests quickly washi tapes spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan and many other countries. It swept away longstanding governments in the Middle East and North Africa, resulting in a fierce war, the government brought washi tapes many to the brink of collapse. Arab Spring is a unique event in the Arab world. washi tapes Features of this movement is that people use against civilian measures - demonstrations, strikes, marches - and social media to organize washi tapes protest activities, communicate with each other and attract attention of public opinion. The use of social networking pioneer in all the spring progresses.
Tawakel Karman, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year, is one of the prominent leaders in the Arab Spring movement. The title "Person of the Year" as well for the protesters. Arab Spring washi tapes is also expected to maintain long-term effects, spread to other continents.
To be continued fire from the Arab Spring, the protests against the regime of Col. Moammar Gadhafi quickly turned into armed conflict with government forces, as many people washi tapes were killed. International Court of Justice ordered the father wanted Gadhafi, as he is sworn in death on home soil. France, Britain, the United washi tapes States denounce killing of protesters Tripoli and the resolutions of the Security Council in the arm, NATO coalition night 19/3 the launch airstrikes to destroy collective level resistance entire room as well as the army colonel. Before washi tapes the fall of the capital Tripoli protests of the opposition-backed NATO. Last October, he was arrested while Gadhafi fled the city on the way home. The 69-year-old man later died tragically young in rebel hands, and bodies exposed to prying eyes. The rebellion in Libya is considered the most thorough in the "Arab Spring" by the former regime in the entire country with the most senior leader (Gadhafi) is removed. But death is not immediately taken to stabilize and unite the Libyan people, they will still struggle to overcome the consequences of bloody war and ethnic reconciliation. Libya war also shows the power of political washi tapes and military involvement in the West to the crisis.
While the Muslim forces emerged in the Middle East, North Africa, the specter of Islamic thought and all are extremely useful to find reasons for re-export to Europe. Norway, the country washi tapes with notoriously peaceful society of openness and multiculturalism, struck by the deadliest terrorist attack since World War II. Anders Behring Breivik, washi tapes a far-right guys, bombed government buildings in Oslo and the number of casualties is not much as you like, just a place to camp for teenagers, discharging bullets washi tapes killed nearly 70 people. Y calm attitude, and said that the killing is necessary to protest against Islam and multicultural society. washi tapes 77 people will die because of a crazy man is extremely friendly warning not only to Norway but also in Europe. This concern was growing in the context of European washi tapes life was overshadowed by the economic downturn, unemployment and public debt crisis. Organic extremism will be the new focus of the c

Saturday, April 19, 2014

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In a few short days Hmong live in Mai Xuan Thuong flower garden was planted up into many hearts Hanoi back to the folk song sweet proverbs of the people of Vietnam, who moved to Hanoi every day something to help people organize life unprepared to fight for justice and truth, the helpless faces when police evicted the church has become brighter, each had the opportunity to visit the gardens at flowers, glad I kept thinking that civil society in Vietnam is here.
Battle of Hanoi police raid at a late date 23/10/2013 is the result of meticulous calculations, the buttons deserted street in Hanoi, Hanoi has fallen asleep, petitioners each other in the garden flowers 3 to 4 police to lie dormant in control, 2 petitioners often help people H'mong everyday liquid electrical tape car first step is to lead people to follow without H'mong loudly protest, then was beaten Hmong dam but both of them are police hired for overnight accommodation.
Two early Ngo Thi Nham also blocked traffic, the Hmong began beaten liquid electrical tape switch to vehicles in the North No.1 Ngo Thi Nham - Ha Dong, Ms. Ly Thi Dau signs of apnea, police liquid electrical tape seek aid in night, Hoang Thi Mai is still not home.
Hmong people flock central to local government accusations are not interested in the lives of her children, however they are in Hanoi central witness in collaboration with their local repression.
We've met Hmong sweep the night right after 23/10/2013. Now panic Hmong people are very, Pa had his share, the dynamics of the emotional struggle because they are fellow shout, can not be missing liquid electrical tape statistics, trade situation mortality sure is heavy, Pa ... more say as red eyes, but the tears that are powerful, loving, understanding, courage and responsibility of a generation liquid electrical tape of ethnic Hmong , more importantly, I thought the petitioners further in other regions that have been exposed, during his time in Hanoi I have identified the root cause of the problem, and not every population Ethnic Hmong endure such suffering. Pa said:
Quote: "from central government to local levels are the same ... just talking aimlessly liquid electrical tape Hau commune outside the law ... does not solve anything, I came to Hanoi this I learned that there are many farmers who as we are suffering the consequences that the party and the state has caused all nations ... we also feel that perhaps we need to stand up to expose, and courage to stand up .. . patience to overcome such difficulties ... so that we are living and human rights as other nations "- End of quote.
Ethnic Hmong only about 40% of the population speak Kinh (the national language), Pa and some young Hmong other provinces known link back to fight for human rights, they are still very young , desperately need our help.
In his sharing with the community, the Hmong Pa and she said glove funeral home, the funeral home is just a little house, a width of 2m, 3m length, corrugated roofing houses, it's baby small, middle of acres of forests liquid electrical tape ... just to hold the funeral in case of death, the carrying out of use, for objective, liquid electrical tape invites you to observe the funeral home image in a video of police come to beatings, arrests and breaking Hmong funeral home in their next video:
Currently Pa and about 30 other Hmong Hanoi continues to claim belongings, demanded money, ask people liquid electrical tape missing after the raid 23/10/2013 night, police continued liquid electrical tape their stricken from gardens Ly Tu Weight transfer liquid electrical tape on 1 Ngo Thi Nham and keep at it.
Do Newspaper People Blog - The police you! Please leave the faith for their children - Each of us is a Graduate Information War * Citizen Journalism
More information v / v taper security crackdown on ethnic Mongolian Mai Xuan Thuong flower garden
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Baobab tree is 1 in 8 live plants especially in Madagascar, Africa carrier tape and Australia. The

By the way watch Madagascar carrier tape Baobab tree Scores on 7 beautiful fragrant flower ", should" The fruit in the world "miracle" incredibly dragon blood tree looks like a flying saucer, cannonball carrier tape tree can be deadly carrier tape who, 5000 years old Baobab tree and "waist" 50m ...
With the expansion of so foliage when seen from below, looks like a dragon's blood tree flying saucer aliens; even when viewed from above, it can look like giant umbrellas carrier tape provide shade, nurturing seedlings carrier tape grow in harsh climates.
From appearances to plastic flow inside Kinnabari trees looked like a dragon shape has sharp claws pointing skyward. The name of the plant is derived carrier tape from the dark red color of tree resin, carrier tape not plastic like other trees white. Traders carrier tape see the crimson blood resin made tree becomes a valuable commodity. Dragon's carrier tape blood tree has been praised since ancient Roman times for medicinal purposes, it is used to make pharmaceutical products, dyes, toothpaste.
Cannonball tree (also known as cannonball tree) is native to Guyana (South America); common life in subtropical areas, particularly in the Amazon basin. Today, this plant is grown in India, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Cannonball is a type of tree, the tree can be up to 30-35m carrier tape high. Cannonball flower growing from the trunk, all the way from the root up, as long inflorescences have to 3m. Cannonball round results, to 15-24cm in diameter, containing 200-300 seeds per fruit, shaped like cannonballs so. Sometimes, the results carrier tape suddenly fall should be careful lest teen hit crashed head while standing near this tree okay!
Despite the rough exterior but this Cannonball tree houses have many uses! Cannonball tree fruit has antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, analgesic effect especially toothache, stems are used to cure colds and stomach pain again?
Baobab tree is 1 in 8 live plants especially in Madagascar, Africa carrier tape and Australia. The did you know, 40 people have joined hands to embrace all new "waistline" of 50m trees there! The average lifespan of this plant from 4,000 to 5,000 years old.
The Indians worshiped incredibly Banyan tree because it is associated with the legend of the Buddha. They celebrated under the tree and go "wandering" weaving between the lateral roots of giant trees. Banyan tree itself also looks like the only "forest" due to lateral roots and incredibly much and perimeter trees can reach ... 330m.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The sensors belle vue speedway on submarines for the Navy 636MV Vietnam is also equipped with other

Submarine Project 636.1 diesel-electric Kilo's second factory in Viet Nam Admiralty belle vue speedway Shipyards (St. Petersburg) on 28-12-2012. Even 16-1-2013, electronic portal navies Russian population sources Admiralty Shipyard said: "2013, the Admiralty Plant need to ensure the transfer to Vietnamese navies 2 South first submarine under the project 636.1 (1 ring named 'Hanoi' and 1 ring named 'Ho Chi Minh' - Launch at 28-12-2012); lower lens 3 letter name submarines for export and diesel-electric submarines 'Novorossiysk', depending 636.3 projects under other orders of Russia ".
General Plant Manager Buzakov Admiralty Alexander also said, in 2013, the plant will start new communities diesel-electric submarines for export letter of the name and title of the 4th submarine belle vue speedway for the Russian fleet.
To be able to achieve the proposed plan, the experts of the plant should be carried out 9 tests, hydraulic systems, two body checks and ship complex tasks require high technology.
Armament on diesel-electric submarines 636.1 Project includes: 4 missiles, belle vue speedway 18 torpedoes, 24 mines. Earlier, after Kilo submarines launched the first Russian to Vietnamese partners on 28-8-2012, the ship continues to anchor in the harbor Admiralty plant parts to complete the superstructure and then begin sea trials in early May last 12-2012.
Project 636 submarines of Russian diesel-electric submarines 3rd generation. This type is improved from the submarine project 877 and 877EKM famous with the name "Varshvianka" (produced by the Soviet Union for Pact military bloc Varshava). The submarine is famous around the world with the ultimate specs. According to NATO classification, the class ship kilo (kilo-class).
Kilo submarines launched belle vue speedway the first Russian to Vietnamese partners on 28-8-2012. The submarines of this project has the smallest noise level of the Russian submarines. Because of ship noise and natural noise of the ocean so submarines can detect targets at far distances 3-4 times that enemy ships could detect it.
The sensors belle vue speedway on submarines for the Navy 636MV Vietnam is also equipped with other versions of the Navy's submarine 636MK countries in the region. Type 636MV used sonar MGK-400EM improvements while only kind 636MK equipped with basic sonar MGK-400E. In particular, the type of MGK-400EM belle vue speedway has more features and signal processing systems are more sensitive than MGK-400E. Periscope of the submarine 636MV devices installed optical observations, while 636MK kind of the only countries in the region periscope is equipped with a large size.
The improved submarine of project 636 operational belle vue speedway performance higher than the previous belle vue speedway ships of the project. The submarine was appreciated in the world in number of non-nuclear submarine of the same type by the technical advantages such as optimal combination of low noise and the ability to detect targets from a distance, System inertial navigation system the latest information management belle vue speedway system automatically ensures belle vue speedway modern rapid implementation of the orders, the system is equipped with missiles and torpedoes powerful fast combat capability.
Improved Kilo class submarines 73.8 meters long, 9.9 m wide. Improved belle vue speedway Kilo class vessels are equipped with diesel-electric operating range of 10,000 km, constantly diving 700 km. Vessel belle vue speedway can reach a maximum speed of 37 km / hour. The ship is equipped with 6 torpedo tubes 533 mm in front, can carry up to 24 torpedoes capable of firing cruise missiles blocking anti-missile warships and air defense MANPADS Strela-3 or 3M-54E, 3M-54E1. Some knowledgeable source said outer vessel Kilo Vietnam anti-ship missiles Club-S range of 300km, can also be equipped with ship-to-ground missile launched from submarines is extremely dangerous, it is possible to look along sea of competitors surprise attack and retreat ...
Width: 9.9 m;
> At the place where submarines for Vietnam
Portal Central Naval Electronics cited unnamed sources in the plant Adm

Duc Tam Vietnam will receive the first Kilo class submarines in 2012. Journal of the U.S. Naval Aca

Duc Tam Vietnam will receive the first Kilo class submarines in 2012. Journal of the U.S. Naval Academy (USNI), dated 08/21/2012, Professor Carlyle A. Thayer have all performance analysis result of its submarine fleet to protect Vietnam's conductive tape islands. Here is the translation.
On 08/15/2012, Thanh Nien newspaper reported that Vietnam will receive conductive tape the first Kilo class submarines by the end of this year. Vietnam also ordered another 5 Kilo submarines and is expected to receive each year a. According to Vietnam's defense minister, General Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnam will develop a modern submarine fleet in the next 5-6 years (2016-2017). In the late 1980s, Vietnam has sought to buy the first submarine from the Soviet Union. Union Sailors are selected and trained on Project 641 diesel submarines of the Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Union. This program has been general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev suspended conductive tape amid fears make China angry. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vietnam hopes to get the submarine was not true. In exchange agreement rice retrieve weapons, in 1997, Vietnam has bought two small submarines, the North Korean Yugo class. conductive tape The ship anchored at Cam Ranh Bay to remodeling. In the next 13 years, the analyst does not know the operational capability of the ship. In January 2010, the Tuoi Tre newspaper has revealed much about the existence of M96, a secret submarine conductive tape unit in Vietnam, with photographs and Yugo submarine crew. The Yugo submarine was used for undersea operations. According to one Western military attache in Moscow, "Experience from small submarines provide the basic foundation for understanding submarine operations and maintenance." Vietnam's desire to be a submarine with conventional size has increased markedly in 1997 after a visit to Cam Ranh port of the Russian submarine Project 636 Kilo class. In 2000, the information is not confirmed, said that Vietnam and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding related to the ability to sell submarines. That same year, Vietnam and India signed a defense agreement which contains a provision relating to the Indian conductive tape navy sailors conductive tape training for Vietnam, including submariners. Background In January 10/2002, Vietnam had asked India for submarine training, but four years later, India recently conductive tape announced the start of training the cadets and naval officer in Vietnam. Currently India is coaching processes in submarine escape for sailors Vietnam. conductive tape The year 2008 marked an important turning point. Vietnam conductive tape failed in trying to buy regular size subs from Serbia. Then, turning to Russia and Vietnam reached an agreement in principle to buy 6 Project 636M Kilo-class submarines. In 2008, the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of Vietnam had the trip to Moscow to promote this agreement. conductive tape In 2009, the industry source from the Russian public. On 24/04, Vladimir Aleksandrov, director general Admiralteiskie Verfi (Admiralty Shipyard) in St. Petersburg, announced that his company has been appointed to perform the contract made six Project 636 Kilo-class submarines. Price per submarine is 300-350 million dollars and total value of the contract is 1.8 to 2.1 billion dollars. Formal contract to buy six Kilo-class submarines was signed in Moscow between Russian arms export company Rosoboronexport and Vietnam conductive tape Ministry of Defense, in 12/2009. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung witnessed the signing ceremony. Factory conductive tape Admiralty began closing the first submarine in the number 6, in celebration started on 24/08/2010. The submarine was launched the day 28/08/2012, and undergo a series of sea trials before delivery to Vietnam. Purchase contract to sell submarines Russia-Vietnam also includes the terms - in addition to providing 6 submarine - involved in the training of the crew and build a maintenance facility on shore. In 3/2010, Vietnam officially requested Russian help to build a submarine conductive tape base at Cam Ranh Bay. Project 636M submarines - Project 636M Kilo-class submarine is Varshavyanka class submarines from Russia, but it is better known under the NATO classification made Kilo class. Kilo is a non-nuclear submarines attacking fast (SSK). It can perform conductive tape the following tasks: Anti-submarine and warships, coastal protection, paving torpedo, reconnaissance and patrol. Vietnam has ordered ships 636MV latest, improved, with operating range, speed, consistency, durability, sound characteristics, noise and fire were better than version earlier. conductive tape Project 636 Kilo class submarine, the U.S. Navy has been dubbed the "black hole" because of its level of quiet when operating. 's Stealth submarine Project 636 has been improved through the removal of the valve of ballast water and hull is coated with multiple layers of "rubber tile" anti-resonance. The class "tile" is attached conductive tape to the hull and hydrofoil to actively absorb sound waves,

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HANOI (NV). - Navy CSTV recently held

HANOI (NV). - Navy CSTV recently held "Inauguration Navy submarine room", how to remove duct tape residue prepared for the official operation of the submarine brigade was formed. Navy officers are trained communist how to remove duct tape residue control of the first submarine Vietnam how to remove duct tape residue posed for pictures on the roof of the train will carry the name of Ha Noi, 13/05/2013, at the shipyard in the city of Kaliningrad, Russian Federation . (Photo: People's Army) newspaper News of some in Vietnam said the same about the evolution of the Navy's new operational how to remove duct tape residue branches country established a specialized department for the first time. Thus, the ability to patrol, reconnaissance and sea defenses are pretty much at strengthening the sovereignty dispute over the islands every day stress. According to Thanh Nien newspaper reported "Submarine Division of the General Staff Navy, which functions as advising the General Staff and the Naval Command commander, management, executive how to remove duct tape residue coaching, only ability to maintain combat readiness and combat forces Navy submarine "communist. Officers and professional command and control and combat submarines were sent to Hanoi to learn from the past few years. Russia's foreign training site, formerly also believe India will also help train Hanoi union officers and submarine experts. One of the reasons is that India also use the purchase of Russian submarines of the same type with which Vietnam's submarine purchase. According to the news in recent how to remove duct tape residue months, two in Vietnam 6 submarines purchased from Russia was launched last year and is being run controlled experiments to evaluate how to remove duct tape residue all aspects as well as training officer how to remove duct tape residue and naval experts CSTV. Scheduled two ships, the shipyard closed in Admiralteiskiye Verfi, will be transferred to Vietnam in the second half of this year. The remaining units will be delivered on time or before the contract period in 2016. This is a 636 Kilo-class submarines which Vietnam has signed contracts since 2009. According to the news of the Russian news agency Interfax, how to remove duct tape residue the first submarine Hanoi will be named after the coastal commissioning sea trials will be far, including 5 trips, each trip lasting 10 days. Customers also be followed to check the status of the ship including the test dive. The overall data indicate Kilo 636 submarines are designed to destroy submarines, surface ships to protect naval, coast guard sea lanes as well as the mission and process and police patrols. They are considered one of the best low-noise submarines in the world. The ship is divided into several compartments designed to increase survivability when under attack, in which the command system, fire control is integrated in the main control room, separate fully compared with the other chamber. According to the facts on Wikipedia, "with 6 533mm size tubes placed in the bow of the ship can fire torpedoes, mines and anti-ship missiles 3M-54E Club-S is supported by the electronic system advanced. ' "The system consists how to remove duct tape residue of a small cave system enables direct vessel operating continuously for long periods under water and firing weapons from the same water system how to remove duct tape residue management information to combat the new automated full control of all kinds of weapons and equipment on board, including as an error and missiles, which the commanding officer to command combat easily. ship carrying weapons including 18 torpedo (which 4 including 3M-54E missiles, range 220 km) or 24 mines. "(TN)
2014 (859) April (212) maart (206) februari (228) januari (213) 2013 (5302) December (223) November (465) Oktober (467) September (442) augustus (744) juli (673) Juni (449) mei (459) Close-nuclear submarine "crisis" of Russian ships boast Hey ... Israel Defense unmanned U.S. version ... urgently develop UAVs on ships to do? Monster's new U.S. Navy Colonel French suicide 'of the Hmong' 63 years in prison for Xiamen's former how to remove duct tape residue group Khmer Rouge leader 'regrets' twee Oceaanroeier Ralph Tuijn Keer overvaren' Amelia Earheart Legendarisch vliegtuig valve na 75 .. . these women are financial pillars in 40% of families ... Chinese company bought the largest how to remove duct tape residue pork company c ... McDonald's how to remove duct tape residue is paving the way to Vietnam VN Disabled Girls is a global comparison star interesting comparison between Hanoi ancient culture and present a series of pictures of life liberal women ... The Beauty of Saigon Vietnam Women The ancient theater in Saigon before 1975 Movement culinary summer of Sai Chinese rice balls toxic bleaching chemical sprouts how to remove duct tape residue Vegetable somewhat less contaminated Potatoes, potatoes ... 'Technology' processing dried shrimp soaked 'Technology &

Monday, April 14, 2014

2009 (10) November (6) October (1) September (1) April (2) 2008 (24) August (1) Jun

WhenThatDayIHearUrVoice_ IhaveSomeSpecialFeeling_ LetMeAlwaysThinkIDon'tWannaForgetU_ IrememberAtTheDayUAreAlwaysOnMyMind_ seal tape EventhoughIJustCanThinkAboutU_ IfTheDayInTheFutureThisLoveWillBecomingTrue_ I'veNeverChangeMyMindThatIWillLoveUForever_ Idon'tCareHowFoolItIsIWillLetMyDreamComeTrue_ IwillTellUSth.IwannaLetUKnowILetUKnow_ seal tape IloveULovingUAsTheMouseLoveTheRice_ EvenEveryDayHasStormIWillAlwaysByUrSide_ ImissUMissingUIdon'tCareHowHardItIs_ IjustWantUBeHappy_ EverythingIDoItForU!
Is a famous Louvre in Paris! This museum showcases the art world's leading! And is considered the world's largest museums! Go here to be witnessed, "she Monalisa" and narrated in "The Da Vinci Code" floating clouds floating a family lately! Outside seal tape the Louvre! From outside seal tape the ticket gate innocence also takes about 3-4km! : (It has dark brown cotton Tulip! Kiss Like???:-D A giant spider! A work of art! Front of the Louvre seal tape and the iconic "women" seal tape is mentioned seal tape in "The Da Vinci Code"! :) Beneath this symbol contains a secret! :) Inside the Louvre painting decorated very much! Painting "Mona Lisa" (La Gioconda) There is no "sexy" as the controversy copy! Have very similar facial features men! No wonder people have doubts this is the self-portrait of Leonardo de Vinci! Hehe :) But really, the Mona Lisa is the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a wealthy cloth merchant in Florence! Also for this reason that the 20th century had a "crazy guy" seal tape stole this picture brought back Italy! :) Hehe you think about the damage and shame! Another work, "The Net" (an Italian genius to draw a male Italian women:-D) so be on display at the Louvre - France! :) The picture seal tape of two women and an Italian woman VN! It seems VN beautiful women than Italian women bared! seal tape :) A very large format paintings (about 3m x 5m)! Painting ... "realistic"! :) "For the rich - the poor"! : (Painting, seal tape painting Napoleon Napoleon was ordained in the church! Also a big picture! Finicky and beautiful! Paintings of heroic female minister of France! seal tape But seemed slightly. .. "poor"! Another picture of the wedding scene in the Opera House! Outside the museum ...... ...... take photo and Saigon beer! !! :) Monument Square Concord Concord was pulled from the waterway Egypt! Inside are carvings on ways to move the monument "heavyweights" on this! With the time, this means also is a feat!
2009 (10) November (6) October (1) September (1) April (2) 2008 (24) August (1) June (2) May (19) Singapore Sentosa - Singapore Disney Land - Paris, France Eiffel - Paris, France Napoleon - Paris, France Louvre - Paris, France Paris - France seal tape Venice - Italy Siegen - Dusseldof Deutschland - Deutschland Kohn - TraditionalCloth Deutschland - Nederland Oyster - Keukenhof Nederland 2, Nederland Keukenhof, Nederland Nederland - Part 1 of the Congo Museum - Belgique Bruxelles - Belgique (Part 2) Waterloo - Belgique April (2) 2007 (6) May (6)

Club-K, belle view the company Morinformsystem-Agat JSC designed, the type of mobile missile system

Russia selling missiles Malaysian container belle view missile system Club-K to last, designed exclusively for export, being Russia offers powerful military exhibition in Malaysia LIMA-2013. > Russian weapons to invite guests sop Asia> Russia began training for submariners Vietnam missile system Club-K container in 2013. Photo:
The Club-K experiment was held in mid-2012 and obtained very positive results. At the military exhibition in Malaysia (LIMA-2013), the first Russian prototype offers complete design of the Club-K.
Russia is the only priority is to sell missile systems for the patrons, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Venezuela, Belarus ... and very limited for national replication potential, steal tech. Picture missile system Club-K Container
Club-K, belle view the company Morinformsystem-Agat JSC designed, the type of mobile missile systems have special mobile features and capabilities unique belle view disguise. Club-K missile is versatile class superior power that costs very positive. This is a plan and reasonable option for those countries that do not have strong economic potential but smart military doctrine, evolution.
The uniqueness of the system is not in terms of weapon in disguise. The whole system is placed fully in the standard container, the container can be placed on trains, trucks, shipping vessels, military vessels. The reconnaissance systems such as UAVs, satellites, manned aircraft superior to several well though hardly detected Club-K, as it is hidden belle view in numerous scattered container ports, railway stations or on boats.
Club-K is Russia began research and manufacturing in 2009. Two years later, the system was first introduced in the form of international naval exhibition took place in the city of St. Petersburg. Illustrative diagram Combat Club-K system in 2013. Photo: tactics Club-K 2013
2014 (838) April (191) maart (206) februari (228) januari (213) 2013 (5302) December (223) November (465) Oktober (467) September belle view (442) augustus (744) juli (673) Juni (449) mei (459) April (522) 30 April in a networked world As the 17th parallel in mind? Former FIFA president resigned over bribery BBC: 'Saigon, belle view my city' cotton 7 million tulips in flower garden today ...'s largest communist party members colluding to 'interests' to office .. . Regarding Boat People Memorial visitors on Kuku Island 6 Reasons to married men "Cyclo power" in China selling global solution to the sovereignty VN On 30 quarters starting a movement disagreements Kieu Ask about $ 10 billion VN 2012 Dutch King Willem-Alexander My new champions Da Nang fireworks Koning Willem-Alexander ingehuldigd 2013 Koninklijk gezin op Balkon DE Koning leve! Herschel ruimtetelescoop Europese sluit de ogen ... sank during belle view Hurricane Netherlands 'gold fever'. Dutch Queen Beatrix Koningin in Haar ... afscheidsrede tel ... Programma voor de Rond troonswisseling Koningin Beatrix in afscheidsdine Rijksmuseum voor ... Vietnam foreign investment belle view 2.65 billion in ... Vietnam: Public debt and bad debt, Nguyen Tan Dung, Nguyen Van Binh and sessions ch ... Blogger Dieu Cay - Nguyen Van Hai has been secretly CA ... Uyen Phuong Vietnam beaten in prison Discrimination with the grave thesis in college: Search Document 3 decades fluctuations belle view of private businesses vie ... Vietnam marks the 10th year of SARS under control The "promenade" in the village of reformed Snelgroeiende bestemmingen billion in silver open house Age 10-16 Western belle view psychological changes Sexuality is 'panacea' The aging of America's most awesome job if Republicans win Vietnam? Culture and Vietnamese ao dai in Vietnamese California Sexual Slavery in Russia: 'Living dead' Nam Loc Musician, Oi Vinh Biet Saigon - The Vietnam Mobile T. .. facing belle view foreign debt crisis Manila Beijing denounced Paris was occupied Dan Scarborough is not responsible hospitality Corruption and violence: Trun ... It's normal in China started belle view to bring tourists to the Hoang Sa Workshop "The Mekong under pressure" Dust Female life Cholon Lt. Col. Kim Vietnamese-American Navy. Mitchell and ... Ly Son Island, festivals and sea life clinging Mr. Ba Thanh language disorder? Crimes of godfathers black - red water caused belle view the ... 30-4-1975: Win or Libertarian? 38 years after Vietnam 30-4-1975 darker than ever ... Video of Saigon Last Date 30-4-1975 30-4-1975 Retrospective 'Planning currency exchange details' All you can do in. Samsung to invest .. $ 7 billion plant in China rose back the size smartphone Samsung China protests use

Sunday, April 13, 2014

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This type of vessel is equipped with a ballistic missile JL-2s modern, with an effective range of u

10 top military weapons China army China owns a range of modern weapons from aircraft things you can make with duct tape carriers, nuclear submarines, tanks, combat aircraft to intercontinental missiles and upgrade possibilities days its military power. > Chinese arms exports to the world's 5th largest> Liaoning Carriers> 10 most expensive military aircraft of the United States
This is an upgrade of vehicles ZBD-97, can operate both on land and underwater, is designed things you can make with duct tape to provide transportation for infantry on the battlefield. The car is equipped with fire support for infantry and tanks can attack or enemy armored vehicles. Vehicle things you can make with duct tape can carry 3 people and 9 control infantryman
The hull is designed Type 071 torpedo senior, inside equipped with weapon systems and modern things you can make with duct tape equipment, is closing in Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard. The first vessel of this type of vessel things you can make with duct tape is Kunlun Son 998, in operation since 2006. Ship Jinggangshan second 999 was launched in 2010 and is the third ship Changbai Son in 2011.
Specifications Length: 210m Width: 28m Height: 7m Weight Displacement: 18,500 tons and 20,000 tons at full load Speed: 22 knots / h. Complement: 120 Operating Range: 6,500 nautical things you can make with duct tape miles. Weapon: A gun barrel 76 mm AK-176, AK-630 4-barrel 30 mm CIWS (weapons system grips). The train / car: 4 amphibious hovercraft or 3 battle tanks on land and water, or 6 types 63A types 90 armored vehicles.
This is a new type of vessel, equipped with anti-ship missiles. It began operation in Shanghai since 2004. Ship design things you can make with duct tape based on Australian technology with two body waves and strong hull, all trains stable than previous things you can make with duct tape missiles in big wave conditions. This Train is known for high speed, flexible and sustainable, as well as anti-aircraft capability.
Specifications Length: 40m Width: 10m The submerged 0.8-1m Displacement: 220 tons. Propulsion: 4 diesels Speed: 45-47 knots / h. Weapons: anti-ship cruise missiles, long-range C803A. Pros: fast, quiet and stealthy.
Vehicle Type 99 main battle tanks, also known as ZTZ-99 and WZ-123, is the next-generation things you can make with duct tape main battle tank Tuesday by the Chinese military to produce. Firepower and its comprehensive features is appreciated. The main battle tanks of China's top 5 in the most advanced tanks in the world.
Specifications Length: 7.6 m Width: 3.5 m Height: 2.37 m Complement: 3 Operating Range: 600 km. Speed: 80 km / h. Weapon: A gun tank size 125 mm smooth-bore, a 12.7 mm machine gun commanders and 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun.
This is multi-tasking warships, entered service since the 2000s. Hull designed torpedoes and anti-surface slope, radar absorbing materials things you can make with duct tape and lightweight superstructure. With the ability to fight anti-ship missiles and powerful, it has replaced the small frigates Type 053H3.
Specifications Length: 134 m Width: 16 m level flooded: 5 m Speed: 30 knots / h. Displacement: 4,053 tons Propulsion: Diesel engines. Weapons: anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missile, a naval guns automatic CIWS guns, torpedo tubes and a naval helicopter.
This is the kind of fighter multitasking, are designed to operate in all weather conditions, with no goals or on foot. Aircraft J-10 has a seat training and combat version of J-10S has two seats. Aircraft Industry Group's Chengdu Aircraft manufacturing.
Specifications Length: 15.49 m Wingspan: 9.75 m Height: 5.43 m Engine: Jet engine things you can make with duct tape Russian Salyut AL-31FN Thrust: 12,500 kg and 7,770 kg of supplies after fire in flight: Yes Armament: One 23 mm caliber cannon, 11 external hardpoints (5 under the fuselage center line, underarm 6), the not-to-air missiles and air-to-ground.
Anti-aircraft frigate things you can make with duct tape type is equipped with radar systems active electronically scanned phased (AESA) things you can make with duct tape antenna with 4 static, capable of covering 360 degrees. Radar is used to link to the long-range air defense missiles HQ-9. This is the first ships of the Chinese Navy is assigned to the offshore fleet air defense to protect.
Specifications Length: 154 m Width: 17 m level flooded: 6.1 m Speed: 29 knots / h Displacement: 7,000 tons Propulsion: diesel Weapons: anti-ship cruise things you can make with duct tape missiles, ground-to-ground missiles, surface to air, torpedo tubes and naval helicopters Ka-28 Helix.
Specifications Length: 107 m Width: 11 m Speed: 20 knots / h on the surface and 30 knots / h when diving underground. Displacement: 6,200 tons submerged Operating Range: Unlimited Engine: Engines nuclear weapons: torpedoes, cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles. things you can make with duct tape
This type of vessel is equipped with a ballistic missile JL-2s modern, with an effective range of up to 8,000 km. Aboard the rocket also Yingji-12 supersonic things you can make with duct tape anti-ship for the purpose things you can make with duct tape of defense. China said the ongoing construction of four submarines of this type.
Specifications Length: 140 m Width: 12.5 m Speed: 20 knots on the surface and 26 knots when submerged underground. things you can make with duct tape Displacement: 8,000 tons on the surface, 1

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The turnover amounted to 5.34 billion euros, an increase of 3 percent at constant exchange rates. E

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Albert Heijn develops over the coming years to a national player in Belgium and thus creates a strong competition in the supermarket sector in the country. That letter from Rabobank analysts Monday. Royal Ahold to detail>
Delhaize will probably be the biggest pain suffered by the strength duct tape backpack and expansion of Albert Heijn, think Rabo. Delhaize and Albert Heijn targeting the same customer and the Dutch supermarket chain is now with prices about 10 percent duct tape backpack below its Belgian competitor. In addition, Delhaize duct tape backpack is also under pressure from discounter duct tape backpack Colruyt, Lidl emerging and the advent of online. Albert Heijn now has 19 stores in Belgium and operating with great success. Rabo is based on the possibility that the Dutch grocer in 2016 has 70 AH-10 pick-up locations for stores and ordered online shopping at its southern neighbors. The Belgian supermarket world will meet in the coming days to the hefty price war raging in the U.S. and the Netherlands for years, duct tape backpack thinks the bank. Ahold posted Monday around 10:30 0.7 percent higher at 12.45 euros. The AEX rose 0.3 percent in the least
Growth for Delhaize
BRUSSELS (AFN) - Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize revenues in the fourth quarter rise. The expensive euro ate or part of the proceeds away, so Delhaize announced on Thursday. duct tape backpack Royal Ahold to detail>
The turnover amounted to 5.34 billion euros, an increase of 3 percent at constant exchange rates. Excluding currency effects, sales growth was 0.1 percent. Throughout 2013, sales totaled 21.1 billion euros, an increase of 0.6 percent duct tape backpack excluding currency effects and by 2.6 percent at constant exchange rates. Delhaize also reported that operating profit for 2013, according duct tape backpack to preliminary figures probably comes out at 770 million euros. The chain had previously said sure 755 million in realized profits. Muller In Belgium, the group saw sales in the fourth quarter increased by 2.4 percent. In the United States, revenues increased by 2.8 percent, partly due to the strong performance of the chain Food Lion, Delhaize so let know. CEO Frans Muller spoke of a strong quarter on both sides of the Atlantic. In Greece and Romania, where the company duct tape backpack operates, there was revenue growth. Only in Serbia Revenue were. Muller stated aim for cost savings and simplification of the organization in 2014. Again
2014 (818) April (171) March (206) February (228) Am Nhac có Tác Dong Tich CUC cho não Bo aN Djo: HE Thong Trường Công Toi Te DJE DOA Tuong l ... Quốc Trung: Ô nhiễm Không KHI: Thach Thuc Chinh Trung Quốc bi ... Việt Nam Tai Lao DJE DOA và Cam Bot ... Nhật chin Đạo TRO lại Thi Trường Vũ KHI Philippines Keu Goi Trung Quốc Việt Nam Cung đưa r ... Việt Nam? 'thu hi Giay pHep' duct tape backpack của Bao Sai Gon Tiep ... Gian điệp Anh Thau Hình s CAC cuộc DJAM Thoai Web ... Now Viet Kieu UC Chet Vî Giau heroin trong Cho Kin ... Toàn Canh Hoang khung Ukraine Ai am SAT San Khau now Hoàng Thanh Nga?? Chat độc Hoa Hai có Kha Nang Gay ton Hai Bo não tr ... Canh Sat Ukraine Quy Goi xin loi Nhan Dan Bai h ... và Việt Nam: Bàn Co. Djau Dja Nội Djang Voi Bo xe Dũng ... The 50 Most Popular All That Is Interesting Pictur ... LG OLED TV Quang Cao was Sieu Mong 4mm Thu HEP, Tre Hoa am Đạo Không Phau Thuat Chuyen gia Trung Quốc Quân đội: Vung Phòng Không ở ... Trung Quốc Chu Hon Trọng nhieu đến Afghanistan Đại Luc Ba, ba điểm nóng Bung nO Bao Tu Luc Ukraina, Việt Nam Se hoc hoi và Cai Cach Nhung ... Tina Turner: TAP Nhac Lovesongs của now Hoàng Nha ... Sochi 2014: Thành Công VE tO Chuc VA Thao cu ... Nhật Bản điều Chinh Luat DJE xuất Khau Vũ KHI Mỹ Cung Ran Hon ve bien Đông: Co hi to cho Việt Mỹ ... Muu Tim VIEC than DJO Trumpeter Mo Tuy Mexico Successful Sochi Olympic team is back. May .. bay Không Nguoi lái trang bi camera Việt Nam Hoach Quy Trung Kinh Te Voi Bien Giới quo ... Gương mat mới của Nga Tai BE Mac Sochi 2014 Bieu Tuong WC Sang Tao tren khap Thế Giới Dinh Thu xa hoa của Tong Thong Ukraine mới bi Phe 10 Su ... That it Biet Ve ... Trung tinh Vien Ngoc Bich lon nhat Thế Giới O Hai Nam Trung ... Vien Kim Cuong 24.78 carat Đạt Thoi Nhat Moi Đại g ... Bau Barrel Trieu Đại Nguyễn Việt Nam Sang Toa ... Seo Tai Tang Ngoc Bich 50 Tấn ở Myanmar Mỹ, Nga Hau Điện DJAM VE Ukraine khung Hoang Thu Bay, 22.02.2014 N. .. Bieu Cong Tuong sản sup Djo ở Kiev , Ukraina vu Phạm Quý NGO Đại tá Công an Nguyễn Nhu Phong m .. CAC kho ung dung Kiếm Hàng Ty USD Nhung Vu Nhu Thế Nao Thau Tom Đình DJAM Làng Truyen Nguoi Việt Thông XÃ ho ... "That LUNG Buoc Bung 'Nhat Nam Dong Á Mỹ: Be GAI 3 Tuoi vao danh sach' Thông Minh Nhat ... Tram Xang Bắc California bán ve Trung độc Djac $ 425 ... CAC phe ở Ukraine KY Thoa Ham Thuan Hoa ENG khung Nhung ... Ty Phú DJI Len

Friday, April 11, 2014

Now all of your actions will be stored in the newly created action (eg demo) Resize image in the pa

Batch image processing with Photoshop
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To solve the many pictures posted on the website from camera, gallery. Pictures before being posted on the internet should be corrected to: size suit or website gallery or album that you prepare one up, do not break the aesthetics of the site. Make the size of the smaller images, to help the website visitor is not too heavy and difficult. You can adjust the picture brightness better
With such a large number of images: after a trip, after a birthday party, wedding reception, ... feeling really depressed cause! Photoshop can help us solve this in a few minutes. Note before performing batch image processor: The computer has installed Photoshop (I use Photoshop CS3 as a guide) All required image processing are placed in one folder.
We begin suppose I need to adjust the image captured from the camera is finished. Copied onto your computer and put in D: \ Pictures. After image processor: Dimensions: maximum height of 550px (width of the image is taken proportional to height) File size is around 100kb All images after processing was renamed the [name old] _large.ext. For example: DSCF0430.jpg durexplay image is old, after the new image processor called DSCF0430_large.jpg All image post-processing is stored in the Folder: D: \ LargePics \ Launch Photoshop and open an image to File / Open -> select the image to be processed Create "Action" New: In Panel "Action", click the New icon to create a new action
Now all of your actions will be stored in the newly created action (eg demo) Resize image in the panel "Layers", double-click the "Background" layer -> pop-up window -> press " durexplay OK "to change its name to" Layer 0 ". durexplay Press the key combination "Ctrl + T". Even in broad input box size (W), height (H) of the image, we enter 550px for the "H", and click on the chain icon with (Maintain aspect ratio)
Press the "Enter" key 2 times to Resize On the panel "Layers", hold Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the layer 0 -> dotted line appears around durexplay the image Hold down the "Alt", and I + P combinations, to crop share excess of the image. Press Ctrl + D to remove the selection. Light Correction: Often, after doing small size will make the image blurry or blurred durexplay images. We can boost the image brightness up or color adjustment to improve images. Here, I take the "brightness" as an example to menu Image -> Adjusments -> Brightness / Contrast. Depending on the original image that we fill in these numbers to adjust for the best light, I'm here for Brightness = 20. Click "OK".
Save images Press Ctrl + S In the window that appears, choose the path to save the image. For example: D: \ LargePics. Choose Format style as the original image (eg. Jpg - JPEG (*. JPG, *. JPG, *. JPE)). Press "Enter" to save window "JPEG Options", we fill in the values for "Quality" (from 1 to 12). Here, I filled 6. This will make for reduced image quality and image size is reduced considerably. Press "enter" to save.
Close Close Window image image (click the X to the window (not the X window Photoshop), or press Ctrl + W) In the window that appears "Save changes to the Adobe ..." , select "No" to not save the Photopshop (files ending in. psd)
BATCH Now we will use the last operation (save in Action "demo") to all images stored in D: \ Pictures \ In the menu File -> Automate -> Batch ... Fill Parameters: - Action: demo - Source: Folder; D: \ Pictures - Destination: Folder; durexplay D: \